
Godshard Chronicles: A Retro-Meets-Modern Action RPG

Created by J-Cat Games Limited

Combining the best of yesteryear and today: 2-player co-op, branching quests, and rich storytelling!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fan Art Contest Winners!
10 months ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 10:55:58 AM

The Winners

Thank you for voting! Here are the contest winners for the fan art contest, along with our staff picks:

3rd Place: @retrogirlplushy  from Twitter

2nd Place: Tonic_Arts from the Godshard Discord

1st Place: Serra Britt  from Twitter

Congratulations, Serra Britt!  You will receive a signed copy of the OST by Noriyuki Iwadare. Are other winners will receive upgraded bonuses to their pledges.

Backerkit Store

Just a reminder, our Backerkit Store is up, and we are still adding some new items. We plan to add the physical art book in the future. We're also in talks with the manga publisher about adding the physical comics/manga to the store, so if there's enough interest, we can make this happen!  

Surveys and Discord Roles 

We are almost finished with creating our survey. Thank you for your patience. We should have it out this week. Once you respond, we can start assigning Discord roles. 

For those of you who selected Design an NPC or either of the Legendary Hero tiers, please reach out to us if you haven't already (we will attempt to reach you via Kickstarter message or e-mail, as well). We will also create a Discord channel for you to discord how to go forward with the creation process. 

Two Rewards Shipping This Week

We have already started shipping out the mana knight statue and the limited edition cassette tape this week. If you have ordered these and not provided your address and contact information, please reach out to us and do so. That way we can get these to you as soon as possible. 

Note: Please be careful when removing the statue. Like most statues, certain parts can break easily. In this case, the part where the knight holders the mana lance is the critical point. If you pull too much on the lance (or staff), you risk breaking her thumb. If you are unsure of how to remove the statue, Dylan and Elmon will make a video next week detailing their methods, and we'll post it here and on our Discord


Thank you again, everyone!  We appreciate your support. Since the end of the campaign, we have already continued development of the game and will post game updates routinely. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on here or Discord


Update #22: Rewards and Backerkit Store
10 months ago – Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 11:40:37 AM

Backerkit Store

Our Backerkit store is now LIVE! For those who missed out on the campaign, or forgot to get a specific item, now is your chance to do so here (link is embedded in the banner): 

Please note: If you place any orders on Backerkit right now, you will not be charged immediately. We're still clearing out things with Kickstarter first. Therefore, charges will not go through for at least another week or two. 

We will continue to add items on the Backerkit store, so keep checking back if you don't see something you like. 

Two Rewards Shipping Out Early!

For those of you who ordered the physical items above, the mana knight statue and the limited edition cassette tape, we will start the process of shipping them out (as soon as we get the clear from Kickstarter)! 

We have already reached out asking for the proper shipping information. If you have ordered one or both of the above items and have not received a message, please reach out to us on here or Discord

Note: These items are shipped by J-Cat Games, so they are shipped separate from the physical games by Premium Edition Games. Therefore, it's no problem for us to ship these out now!  

After we send these out, we will start working on preparing the comics for fulfilment. We're going to wait until their official release by Antarctic Press before sending them out. 

Jennifer Stigile Interview

Elmon Dean will be conducting an interview singer Jennifer Stigile (the American singer for the PlayStation Lunar games) to add to the interview series on our YouTube channel

To prepare for this interview, we'd love to take questions from you! Therefore, if you have anything to ask Jennifer, please go to the #suggestion-inquiries channel of our Discord server and field your question(s) there. 

We won't be able to use every question, but we'll try our best!

Art Contest Voting

The art contest is finished! A big round of thanks to all those who contributed. To be fair, we have only included the ones who did their original work instead of commissions, but we are also grateful for those who submitted commissioned work. We will try to showcase these another time. 

Without further ado, here are the contestants: 

We will have closed voting, meaning only Backers can vote. We will announce winners the following week on April 16. 

You can vote here:

Survey and Messages

As we mentioned, we're slowly reaching out to various backers depending on their rewards. This means assigning Discord roles, or collaborating with those who have the in-game rewards. Once Kickstarter finalises the payment process, we will proceed to this next step. Thank you for your patience!  

Thank you again, everyone! 

Kickstarter Successful - $290,000! Many Thanks!
10 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 11:45:17 AM

Hello everyone,

This is Elmon, the Director and creator of Godshard Chronicles. I wanted to personally express how grateful myself and the rest of the team are for your overflowing support. We laboured hard and long to prepare the game and the Kickstarter, and we didn't know what to expect. $290,000 was a huge surprise to everyone, and each backer contributed to this. 

Illustration by Mathias Ninot

Illustration by Mathias Ninot

Our journey began in 2021 with a shared vision I had with Shauno Isomura. To turn this vision into reality, I quit my career in law enforcement and dipped into savings I had acquired over the years. Isomura-san and I wanted to create a beautiful world with amazing music. However, the road was difficult and we even hit a rut in the summer of 2021 when we had no programmer. But we didn't give up; we continued on, and eventually other talented people joined our cause. Without them, we wouldn't be here today. 

Therefore we'd also like to thank the entire team, our volunteers, and collaborators. You have made this project shine. we'd also like to thank our friend and composer, Noriyuki Iwadare, whose generosity has beckoned us to reach greater heights. I can happily say that I have no regrets in my decision to embark on this journey, and neither does Isomura-san. We wouldn't have met so many amazing people otherwise.

Questions, Feedback, and Discord

At the core, we're a still a small team. We'll do our best to answer every question and respond to each email and message. However, we occasionally may overlook something. If that happens, please send us another message. Just remember: We're here because of you! We also encourage everyone to join our DISCORD server to provide us with game-related suggestions and feedback, or simply to have a nice discussion. 

Our focus was mainly on the Kickstarter campaign during the past 3 months. We will now pivot back towards game development, including implementation of some stretch goals we've reached. Of course, we'll probably knock out the composer related stuff first. Our objective is to provide a playable demo this year if possible. 

Final Stretch Goal

Regarding the last stretch goal that wasn't met (Theron & Dog DLC), please do not worry. We will come back to that topic later in development. We are beyond thrilled there is a high interest in Theron and his sidekick (or is it the other way around?), and will try to make their adventure a reality in the future if possible.

Backer Surveys

We are preparing the Kickstarter survey, and we ask for your patience. Once it's ready, we will inform everyone. The survey will be sent out depending on which item you chose. Steam keys will be available for PC players before launch, and Console players will receive their keys before the console versions' release.

To the backers involved in game design, we are grateful for your extensive support. As design content requires more time, we will prepare design-related surveys that will be ready after the other surveys. You can submit designs or revisions anytime until June 21, 2024. For any questions, feel free to join our Discord and message Elmon Dean privately.

Failed Payments

As a friendly reminder, Kickstarter allocates a 7 day period for failed payments. So if you are experiencing processing errors or insufficient funds, you have 7 days from the end of the campaign to resolve the problem. If you cannot make your payment before that deadline, you'll be dropped as a backer, and won't receive your selected tier rewards. Furthermore, too many dropped backers could lower our funding below previous stretch goals, so let's avoid that.

Fan Art Contest

We have decided to extend the submission time another week. The new deadline is April 8. We're looking forward to seeing your art!

Finally, on behalf of the J-Cat Games development team, I want to thank each and every one of you for putting your faith and trust into this project. The team is motivated to work hard and bring you something amazing. So let's create an amazing world together! 

Elmon Dean Todd

Illustration by Ryusho Hashida

$280K Stretch Goal Reach; Next: Dog DLC
10 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 08:31:39 PM

Less Than 90 Minutes Left! 

We have earned over $280K and got a 2nd track from Michiko Naruke! Congratulations, everyone!  Well done on the strong rally! 

Next Stretch Goal:

We've had some interest in Theron. We'd like to expand more on him if we make it to $300K. Let's do this. 

We have less than 90 minutes to go!

Update #19: Less than 4 Hours Remaining
10 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 05:14:10 PM

It's Heating Up! 

We have less than 4 hours remaining before our Kickstarter campaign is over! Demand has been soaring, and as a result, tiers like our Legendary Hero ones are all gone. We've added a new tier (see below) to meet the demand. Many other items are selling out, so try to secure what you want quickly.

If you haven't done so yet, go to our campaign and choose a pledge before it's too late:

Two New Stretch Goals Attained!

Argent's Story is now unlocked! This will also be a 2-player co-op RPG starring Argent and Sylvana, voiced by John Truitt and Jennifer Stigile. 

We will develop this alongside Godshard Chronicles. Don't worry - it won't slow down our progress as both games will use the same engine, code, etc. Of course, the locations, story, and characters will be different. Argent and Sylvana will also play different to Ruby, Adanna, and the dog. 

We have also unlocked the mystery actor. As we mentioned before, we cannot announce the name right now until the details have been finalised, but we are super excited to have this person. The role will be for one of the highest-ranking Mana Knights. We will announce more as soon as we are able!  

Further Stretch Goals?

If we get $280K, we will have another reward for you. We have reached out regarding this and are waiting to hear back. Till then, let's keep the momentum going! 

New Reward Tier! 

Due to the high demand, we have a higher-end reward tier: Paladin + Your Name on a Griffon Knight. The tier comes with the digital rewards of the original Paladin, except your name will go on a high-ranking Griffon Knight. Furthermore, you will get physical rewards such as the statue, the double CD OST signed by Noriyuki Iwadare, a physical art book, your message in a diary nearby the knight, your name in credits as a paladin, and a paladin role in our Discord. 

There are only 3 available, so don't wait too long!  

Pet Cat Community Goal Reward

We are currently at 18 points for the Community Goal Reward. One more will get us the Pet Cat for the players. 

We need fewer than 40 followers for X. Please follow and help us get that point if you haven't done so already: [X (Twitter) Link]

We have extended the deadline for our fan art submissions, so let us know if you plan to submit.  

Thank you so much, everyone!

Let's Keep it Going!